B and I spent 6 days hiking in Southern Utah in October. While taking in the beauty and magnificence of our surroundings our guide, Jill (glutenfreebackpack.blogspot.com), and the rest of the group talked quite a bit about our life experiences. I love connecting with people on a deeper level and learning about some of their history and background. Yes, I can be intense but hope I offset that with laughter and lightheartedness. Being on vacation in such an awesome place may have contributed to everyone being a little more open than normal but, honestly, I try to have experiences like that daily with the people around me. It’s times like these when I can be in the moment listening, learning and absorbing. It’s times like these that will inspire me to start thinking about trying something new. It’s times like these that I realize, once again, we all share the same feelings of joy, fear, accomplishment and insecurity. I learned what it means to be responsible for a group, how we deal with illness and difficult situations and what living in Tulsa and Phoenix is like. So, after our experiences are shared thoughts and ideas start rolling around in my head and I start visualizing the possibilities. I am not much of a consumer of clothing or things (so don’t come here for the “outfit of the day”) but I do enjoy experiences; above mentioned hiking trip, a run with my group on Saturday mornings where the conversations are priceless and, a bike ride along the shoreline, a trip to NYC to see a new play, getting lost in the story of a great book. Some of these experiences don’t cost anything and most usually involve other people. People to share thoughts, ideas, jokes and just plain silliness with.  And this is where I experience great joy and happiness.

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