I took this picture with a point and shoot camera

Our first assignment for the basic photography class I’m taking is to bring some of our photos to the next class. I started clicking into folders on my laptop, most of them filed by date which makes the process longer, and scrolling through hundreds (and hundreds) of photos. I renamed some of the folders as I opened them; I can now easily pull up pictures from Italy, Yellowstone, Southern Utah, Mt Ascutney. As with most things I get involved with, I was getting mired down in each folder, each photo, each memory evoked. I could have taken hours to pick a few photos but decided to limit myself to a few minutes. As I scanned the shots I took while in Italy this one caught my eye. I printed it on 8×10 glossy paper and liked what I saw. I may mat it, frame it and hang it up in my house.


Burano, Italy

I remembered the photos I took in Central Park and quickly printed them, some as 5×7, some as 8×10, some in both sizes. I’m trying not to get hung up in perfectionism, trying to relax and breathe. If I look for the absolute best photo I’ve ever taken, within all the photos I have saved, I’ll waste a lot of precious time. And, isn’t it subjective? The photo I love one day may be one I’m not wild about the next.

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Central Park

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Central Park

At our next session we’ll be photographing people. The instructor is bringing a backdrop, lights and two models. We’ll be taking full lengths, half lengths, close-ups. I know I have a lot to learn and look forward to it, hope I can remember this sentiment when I get to the lab on Tuesday. In the meantime, I’ll be reading my camera’s manual and playing with the settings this weekend in preparation. I’ll let you know how my little point and click camera does. And I’ll try not to have performance anxiety.

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