Welcome August

It’s been a very busy, fun-filled summer. I’ve taken few photos, instead have been living in the moment, enjoying time spent with friends, family, loved ones.

We ushered in August with a get together at Laura’s house. I grew up with Laura, our houses backed up to each other, remember playing over there often after school. Barbi and Paul attended 7th and 8th grade with us since their school only went through the sixth grade, but I knew Barbi long before then from seeing her at the playground situated between our homes. We met Sandy in High School and Laura’s been friends with her since. Significant others rounded out the party.

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we look just like we did in High School!

Paul and Marla arrived pulling a large cooler packed with the makings of numerous appetizers. We dined on wonton wrapped chicken with string beans and asparagus with string beans, fried and served with sweet and sour sauce: spinach stuffed portobello mushrooms: mozzarella stuffed zucchini flowers: squash casserole. We were so full Paul never made the rest of the appetizers he had planned. Despite our full bellies we managed to finish off the night with cheesecake and raspberry sauce and fruit trifle.

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We made room for dessert

We reminisced about the old days, compared our memories of certain stories, asked about other friends we had hung out with. We all keep in touch with some of them; Facebook fills in the blanks on some of the others. We lived in a working class neighborhood, walked wherever we needed or wanted to, ice skated on the pond at the top of the street, ran around the playground already mentioned. It felt good to talk about my memories with people who have the same ones, to connect with people who knew me when I was a kid.

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The following morning Bill and I drove to Massachusetts to the Seven Sisters Trail, a technical hike with multiple peaks. Thankfully, we had carb loaded the night before and were ready for a work out.  We shortened the twelve-mile round trip to seven – seven strenuous, tiring, exhilarating miles. It was warm, not oppressive; by the time we got back to the car we were covered in dirt and sweating from earlobes to elbows.

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After a quick towelling off and change of clothes in the car we headed to Northampton for an early dinner. For the ninety minute ride home we bought coffee, an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie the size of a saucer and an almond macaroon. We ate everything without a twinge of guilt.

August started out full throttle and hasn’t eased up yet. Guess I’m trying to squeeze the most out of these summer days.

32 replies

  1. Love this! My BFF since the summer between 6th grade and 7th is also named ‘Barb’…we’ve stayed close over these years also. Happy to see your gang together looking forever the same.
    All the best for you this August.

  2. You are so lucky. Two of my besties from high school are gone. Sure wish they were around. One of our favorite pastimes was sitting at my friend’s kitchen table and talking with her Mom who always made us feel like adults. Like you, I never seem to take enough photos. Then I write a story for my blog and I’m pictureless! Fortunately my husband is neurotic about capturing moments.

    • Kate, sorry about your high school friends. You reminded me of the times Barbi and I would sit and talk with her mom, Winnie. Great memories. Bill bought a really nice camera for our upcoming trip but we cannot figure out how to upload the photos to my laptop. We need to carve out some time to figure this out. So, at some point I may post some of his photos. 🙂

  3. What a most spectacular evening and then hike Geralyn – nothing like close friends, there is a real comfort in each other and then to top it off with amazing food – love it. The hike sounded like something my husband and I would love! Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. This is just so cool. I love that you are in close contact with such dear old friends…not that they are old, just that the relationships have endured! The sheen on your brow tells the story of the warm…not oppressive heat…I think the energetic way you tackle a hike would make any day a warm one! Enjoy every moment of your summer.

    • I hadn’t seen some of some of those guys in years so it was a pleasure catching up with everyone. I saw my slick shoulders after I posted the picture from our hike. It was a sweaty but fun day! Have a great weekend.

  5. Everyone looks great Ger! Time has treated everyone well. Makes me feel old when I remember all of you as little kids! Xo Mom

  6. A nice get-together with old friends. You all look so young and happy. And the food sounds delicious. I’m drooling … Spinach stuffed mushrooms, cheesecake and raspberry sauce. Yum.

  7. You ladies look like you had the time of your lives :). And that’s always special. It’s always wonderful getting together with people who are amazing. And the food just sounds amazing. I’m totally hungry now 🙂

  8. Wow! Was this all in a weekend? This sounds like the perfect couples weekend to me. A great time with just a few close friends, great food, conversation and laughs. Then off for a short rode trip with a hike, dinner, more goodies and a ride home. Sounds just perfect. Way to go girl. Taking advantage of the moments and making the most most of them.
    I love how you have friends from childhood. I don’t think I have any friends from childhood anymore. Nor do I have firm childhood roots and all. I am a very happy person though, and I have good friends and an amazing family now. Soooooo, it’s all good.
    Have an amazing rest of the summer Geralyn.

    • It was a fun filled weekend, Staci. I’m lucky enough to have a few great friends from childhood. We can go months without seeing each other and just pick up like it was yesterday. My boyfriend lives in the town where I grew up; has it’s pros and cons. 🙂 Enjoy your good friends and family, Staci!

  9. Just accidentally stumbled upon your blog and I love it! So much heart in this post!! It’s good to know that some friends just stay! 😀 thank you for sharing! xxx

    • Thanks so much for your comment Noemi. We had a wonderful time catching up. Our 35th (yikes) high school reunion is in October, hoping to attend and catch up with some other old friends.

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